Calling All Researchers: ThinkTank Without Borders is Recruiting Contributors

ThinkTank Without Borders is actively recruiting contributors to produce papers and book reviews for our online database. We conduct independent global and country-specific research on the state of education, present and future, often sourcing original data from our parent organisation Professors Without Borders. Through our publications, we aim to raise awareness, improve teaching and influence […]
Human Rights, International Relations, and Justice: Opportunities for Online Learning

To meet the growing demand of students, we have compiled a list of free, online courses in the areas of human rights, international relations, and justice.* These short courses will present a comprehensive overview of key topics in the field and provide opportunities for skill development through distance learning. Global Diplomacy: the United Nations in […]
Online Courses in Computer Science and Programming from Harvard University

Are you interested in computer science and programming? Check out our list of free, online courses in the areas of computer science and programming from Harvard University. These short courses will present a comprehensive overview of key topics in the field and provide opportunities for skill development through distance learning. CS50’s Introduction to Artificial Intelligence […]
Economics and Entrepreneurship: Opportunities for Online Learning

Do you have an interest in understanding and solving economic challenges? Check out our list of free, online courses in the areas of economics and entrepreneurship.* These short courses will present a comprehensive overview of key topics in the field and provide opportunities for skill development through distance learning. Becoming a Changemaker: Introduction to Social […]
Free Online Courses with Open Learn

Open Learn is a free learning platform from the Open University. With a catalog of over 1,000 courses, Open Learn covers a wide range of subjects, including: law, public health, psychology, information technology, entrepreneurship, and many more! All courses are free and available for immediate start. You will be able to work through the material […]
Public Health and Medicine: Opportunities for Distance Learning

Are you interested in the critical field of public health? In addition to our free resources on COVID-19 and our Epidemiology Reading List, we have compiled a list of free, online courses in the areas of public health and medicine.* These short courses will present a comprehensive overview of key topics in the field and […]
Understanding Epidemics: A Reading List

In addition to our free resources on COVID-19, we have created this list of relevant e-books on epidemiology. According to the British Medical Journal, epidemiology is the study of how often diseases occur in different groups of people and why. We hope that this resource list provides you with relevant knowledge on the field of […]
Stay Up to Date on COVID-19

We at Professors Without Borders encourage everyone to prioritise health and safety measures. As an organisation that is committed to improving knowledge sharing around the world, it is our obligation to offer the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 in a free and accessible format. To do this, we have put together a list of together […]
Releasing our 2019 Annual Review

Professors Without Borders is delighted to share our Annual Review 2019 with you! Our achievements this past year have made us very proud: five wonderful summer schools in India, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Thailand, and Senegal; our first conference in Thailand; successful fundraisers, new programs and a supportive team without whom we could not have all this […]
Women, Development and Higher Education: Conference Report

26 December 2019 By Dr Sipim Sornbalang [pdfviewer][/pdfviewer] Download the conference report > Women, Development and Higher Education: Conference Report Download the press release > Professors Without Borders Publishes Report on First Conference in Asia