Press Release: PROWIBO publishes research paper on Increasing Access to Higher Education in India
Professors Without Borders has published a research paper by Kaustubh Dighe on Increasing Access to Higher Education in India. This paper addresses the problem that despite its rapid growth and development across all sectors, accessibility to quality education remains a growing concern in India. This concern could be attributed to various socio-political and economic factors […]
Press Release: PROWIBO publishes report on Decolonising Higher Education
Professors Without Borders has published a report for its webinar, in collaboration with St. Mary’s University London: Culture, History, Tools and Teaching: A Challenge of the ‘Decolonisation’ Discourse in 21st Century Higher Education. Read the report here PROFESSORS WITHOUT BORDERS (PROWIBO) PRESS RELEASE 11 NOVEMBER 2021 | London Culture, History, Tools and Teaching: A Challenge […]
Press Release: Annual Report 2020

Professors Without Borders’ 2020 Annual Report has been released, take a look here. Inside you will find details including our governance changes, financial review and how we have adapted to COVID. Information on our progress and events at ThinkTank Without Borders are integrated into the Prowibo Annual reports.
Announcing webinar on: The Mental Health Implications of COVID19

On the 25th of February 2021, Professors Without Borders hosted a webinar on ‘The Mental HealthImplications of COVID19.’ Speakers explored the different impacts that COVID19 could have on mental health, and how this can affect life on a larger scale. There were three presentations and a Q&A section which answered the queries proposed by the […]
Conference Programme
The Programme for the March 27th, 2021 Improving Women’s Retention in Higher Education Conference is as follows. Opening Speech: Tessy Antony de Nassau President and Co-Founder of PROWIBO 13:00 to 13:05 GMT/ 9:00 AM To 9:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) Panel I, Improving Female Student Retention Moderator, Rachel Warnick, Trustee for PROWIBO Times Discussion […]
Thanks to Mariam Radi, Outgoing PROWIBO Thinktank Manager

From intern to Thinktank Manager, Mariam has made her mark at PROWIBO. In her words, here is why working with PROWIBO is worth it. How long have you been working at PROWIBO? ‘I’ve been working for one year and five months.’ Why did you join, and what role did you have? ‘I joined PROWIBO as […]
Panelists and Moderators
Majeks Walker Opening Speech and Moderator, Panel 1: Black In The Ivory: Understanding the Black Experience in Higher Education Majeks Walker has taught and practised law since 2004. He has an LLM from UCL (Banking Law, Conflict of Law, Corporate Law and Law of Foreign Investment in Emerging Economies), and a Certificate in Law Teaching. […]
Call for Abstracts – Teaching through Gaming

In the education sector, it is well known that lecture and dictation-based teaching is not the most effective way for students to fully grasp and understand concepts. Conversely, games-based teaching provides a more engaging way for students to interact with concepts resulting in higher rates of information retention. Games-based teaching provides context, making it an […]
Virtual Conference: Higher Education in the Time of COVID-19: Challenges and Opportunities of Online Teaching

As Coronavirus spread around the globe in early 2020, universities retreated behind the screens. Higher education literally moved online, providing an opportunity to discover the joys of technology for some, a gruelling and impersonal experience for others, and something in between for most of us. This event brought lecturers and students from around the world […]
Higher Education for the New Decade: The Virtual Conversation

In March Professors Without Borders made the decision to postpone its spring conference– Higher Education for the New Decade: Innovation, Technology and Creativity. The event sought to bring together education and industry leaders to discuss the value of innovation, technology and creativity in a higher education degree. While we were not able to host the […]