Open Learn is a free learning platform from the Open University. With a catalog of over 1,000 courses, Open Learn covers a wide range of subjects, including: law, public health, psychology, information technology, entrepreneurship, and many more!
All courses are free and available for immediate start. You will be able to work through the material at your own pace in order to get the most out of your distance learning experience.
The Open University has designed its courses and online material to help students develop the skills needed to enter Higher Education and succeed with learning.

Featured Courses: PROWIBO’s Picks
This course presents some key elements of public health and health promotion. It considers the scope and focus of public health and how it is subject to change and located within the wider global context.
Entrepreneurship – from Ideas to Reality
This course will take you through the decisions you will need to make when building a business: from generating initial ideas through to deciding what you will do and how you will establish your business and grow it. It features practical advice from real entrepreneurs, and provides you will relevant support to help you further develop your own capabilities.
This course is for all who are interested in understanding the basics of simple coding. This course introduces you to the skills, concepts and jargon of coding.
In this course will you explore the impact of digital technologies on academia. By examining the intersection of digital content, networked distribution and open practices, you will learn how scholarly practice is being transformed in the Digital Age.
Visit the Open Learn’s website to learn more.