PROWIBO Achieves Charity Status

After four years of charitable activities, PROWIBO’s work has officially been recognised by the UK Charity Commission! This opens up new doors for partnerships, grant applications, fundraising and opportunities to make a difference. Many thanks to our team, our new board of trustees, our partner organisations, and, of course, our dedicated supporters. We are looking forward to […]
Read our April Newsletter

Since achieving U.K. charity status, PROWIBO has been working tirelessly to best serve the needs of students around the world. By expanding our digital reach, we hope connect students to vital online learning and career resources that they will need to enter the ever changing job market. Check our April newsletter to learn more about […]
Global Health and Disability: Opportunities for Distance Learning

Are you interested in exploring health policy and disease management and prevention on a global scale? If so, check out our list of free, online courses in the areas of global heath and disability.* Global Health and Disability Able-Minded – Mental Health and People with Intellectual Disability edX–University of Queensland This course will focus on […]
Stay Up to Date on COVID-19

We at Professors Without Borders encourage everyone to prioritise health and safety measures. As an organisation that is committed to improving knowledge sharing around the world, it is our obligation to offer the most up-to-date information on COVID-19 in a free and accessible format. To do this, we have put together a list of together […]
Higher Education for the New Decade Panellists
Dr. Joe Giordano Panel 2: Innovation in the Intersections: Arts and Creativity in STEM Dr. Joe Giordano is a philanthropist and entrepreneur whose reach includes property development, investment, branding/marketing, website design, construction, DJ and talent management, and construction advisory and funding. He has spent the last 15 years supporting a number of charities through his […]
Early Predictors of Student Academic Performance by Gabriel Inchausti

27 February 2020 By Gabriel Inchausti [pdfviewer][/pdfviewer] Download the full paper > Early Predictors of Student Academic Performance by Gabriel Inchausti Download the press release > Professors Borders Publishes a Paper Examining Early Predictors of Student Academic Performance
A Snapshot of PROWIBO

Our History Professors Without Borders was incorporated in 2016. Our vision is to create a global community of academics and professionals who wish to share their passion for knowledge with students around the world. We aim to bridge the educational divide between countries and between students and their teachers. Our Co-Founders Tessy de Nassau Majeks Walker Caroline […]
Read Our January Newsletter

We have published our January newsletter for 2020! Through our newsletter, you can read all about our 2019 achievements and our plans for 2020. We want to thank all those who supported our mission last year and many thanks to everyone on our incredible global team! Click here to read the newsletter. To subscribe to our […]
Professors Without Borders Publishes Conference Report on Women, Development and Higher Education

● Professors Without Borders has published the conference report for Women, Development and Higher Education. ● Women, Development and Higher Education took place in July 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand and was the organisation’s first conference in Asia. ● The report presents the key findings from the conferences three panel discussions: How to Achieve Gender Parity […]
Women, Development and Higher Education: Conference Report

26 December 2019 By Dr Sipim Sornbalang [pdfviewer][/pdfviewer] Download the conference report > Women, Development and Higher Education: Conference Report Download the press release > Professors Without Borders Publishes Report on First Conference in Asia