Professors Without Borders Think Tank

The Impact of Faculty Diversity on Graduation Rates

By Samantha Fu 25 October 2018 [pdfviewer][/pdfviewer] Download paper > The Impact of Faculty Diversity on Graduation Rates, Samantha Fu Download and view press release > Press Release The Impact of Faculty Diversity on Graduation Rates, Samantha Fu    

Press Release–Carrier Announces Its Support of Professors Without Borders

“Carrier announces its official sponsorship of Professors Without Borders” Professors Without Borders is excited to announce its latest partnership with Carrier.   Carrier is a UK based luxury travel company whose mission is to create exceptional travel experiences for their clients. Carrier is passionate about the mission and philosophy of Professors Without Borders and hopes […]

PROWIBO Examines the Role of Higher Education in a Transforming World

This past weekend, Professors Without Borders in partnership with the Gulf Futures Center and Bridge the Gulf, hosted a two day conference at the London School of Economics. The conference featured 28 speakers representing institutions from across the globe. The conference included five panel discussions, which covered a range of subjects. Each panel concluded with a […]

Higher Education In the Age of Transformation

Professors Without Borders in partnership with the Gulf Futures Center is hosting Higher Education In the Age of Transformation, a two day workshop that seeks to examine the intersection of higher education, business, politics, and international development. According to the World Economic Forum, “Technology and globalization are significantly transforming work. However, education and training systems, […]

Higher Education in the Age of Transformation Panelists

With the September workshop approaching very quickly, we wanted to formally announce all of that panelists that we have confirmed! Wael Aburida Panel 5: Building Bridges Wael Aburida has over twenty years of experience in private equity, mergers and acquisitions, investment banking, and executive management. Wael is the Chairman of Halo Investment Management and serves […]

Workshop in Sierra Leone: Passing the Baton in Pursuit of Gender Equality

Passing the Baton in Pursuit of Gender Equality will take place on July 28th at The 50/50 Group’s Gender and Women’s Leadership Training Institute in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The workshop will explore the many different conceptions feminism and construct a dialogue for how to constructively speak about and pursue gender equality in Sierra Leone. The workshop will be led […]

Announcing: Partnership with Alhambra-U.S. Chamber

We are excited to announce our newest partnership with the Alhambra-U.S. Chamber. As our implementation partner, the Chamber facilitated our agreement with the Karamat Husain Muslim Girls P. G. College for our latest summer school program in Lucknow, India. Professors Without Borders and the Alhambra-U.S. Chamber are both committed to improving the quality of education […]

Determinants of Academic Performance, A Behavioural Science Approach

By Gabriel Inchausti 06 July 2018 [pdfviewer][/pdfviewer] Download paper > Determinants of Academic Performance, A Behavioural Science Approach, by Gabriel Inchausti Download and view press release > Press Release Determinants of Academic Performance, A Behavioural Science Approach, by Gabriel Inchausti  

Profile: Research Associate Gabriel Inchausti

Determinants of Academic Performance, A Behavioural Science Approach, by Gabriel Inchausti Our second publication, by Gabriel Inchausti examines how teachers can utilise behavioural  science approaches to make students more effective learners. Gabriel Inchausti graduated in Economics from the University of the Republic (Uruguay). Gabriel has professional specialization in corporate finance and strategy and is currently pursuing […]